Ausbildung — März 2019 bis Mai 2023

Stockholm International 1

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Stockholm, the city coined the capital of Scandinavia, is like no other capital in the world. Built on fourteen islands, it rises gracefully from water so clean that you can go swimming in the very heart of the city. Its waterfront is alive with boats, from ferries to shuttle you around the city to sailboats and yachts that cruise out into the vast archipelago that stretches into the Baltic Sea. Of course getting around does not require a boat: you can walk, bike, drive or take advantage of the city’s impeccable public transportation system.

Within the graceful architecture of this historic capital one can discover a cultural life of exceptional vitality. Besides being a trendsetter in Nordic design, Stockholm is home to numerous museums, palaces and a vibrant art scene, all beautifully complemented by a strong café and restaurant culture.

The city is abundant in attractions and activities, both cultural as well as natural, so you can be sure that you won’t run out of things to do in Stockholm. If however you decide to escape the crowds, there are also options like going to a quiet beach, a lush forest, or even a deserted island if you like, sometimes in as little as half an hour.

Sweden is home to a well-developed Feldenkrais community made up of numerous good practitioners. In bringing a training program to Sweden, Instituto Feldenkrais wishes to contribute to developing the Feldenkrais Method in the area.


The first training year is divided into 4 segments. Years 2, 3 and 4 of the program have 3 segments per year. The segments generally happen in March, June and September.



1450,00 kr / Tag (erstes und zweites Jahr), 1500,00 kr / Tag (drittes und viertes Jahr).




Termine und Trainer

Termine und Zeitpläne können sich ändern. Solltest du einmal einen Tag oder ein Segment nicht besuchen können, kannst du es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachholen.

Erstes Jahr — 2019 bis 2020

Segment März 2019

13.03.–24.03.2019 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment Juni 2019

17.06.–29.06.2019 (10 Tage) Angelica Feldmann, M.A., Mara Fusero

Segment August 2019

31.08.–11.09.2019 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment März 2020

04.03.–15.03.2020 (10 Tage) Thomas Farnbacher

Zweites Jahr — 2020 bis 2021

Segment Juni 2020 Online (10 Tage) Paul Newton, Thomas Farnbacher

Segment September 2020 Online (12 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment Februar 2021 Online (12 Tage) Julie Peck

Segment Mai 2021 Online (12 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment September 2021 Online (5 Tage) Paul Newton

Drittes Jahr — 2021 bis 2022

Segment September 2021

07.09.–18.09.2021 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment März 2022

02.03.–19.03.2022 (15 Tage) Mara Fusero

Segment Juni 2022

01.06.–12.06.2022 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment August 2022

31.08.–04.09.2022 (5 Tage) Paul Newton

Viertes Jahr — 2022 bis 2023

Segment September 2022

07.09.–18.09.2022 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment März 2023

08.03.–26.03.2023 (15 Tage) Thomas Farnbacher

Segment Mai 2023

13.05.–31.05.2023 (15 Tage) Paul Newton

Ergänzende Informationen

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