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Summer! Finally time off from work. No more looking down at the computer screen. Or maybe time to improve your swimming stroke!
In this course Feldenkrais intensive course, it’s “me time”, the chance to take care of yourself without those stresses and routines of your daily life. Time to finally look inside and get insights and inspiration to regenerate. Time to improve the way you move and hold yourself.
Paul Newton is one of the best Feldenkrais teachers in the world. He teaches in numerous trainings and he will bring decades of experience to the teaching of this seminar.
During the pandemic we finally found the time to make his teaching accessible to people outside of the professional training programs. Now those of you who love the Feldenkrais Method and who are up for the challenge of doing a more advanced course taught at a high level.
Zugehörige Seminare
- Photo – © Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash